Page 52 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
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傳奇主角                          玄奘                                                                              鄭和下西洋Ⅰ

        Exhibition                   Xuan Zang                                                                       The Voyage of Zheng He Ⅰ

                  玄奘是在西元 7 世紀時,來自唐朝的一位僧侶,他為了取經,橫越了中亞抵達                                                                     出生於西元 1371 年的鄭和,是 14 世紀間一位遠近馳名的探險家。他非凡的能

             印度。這趟著名的取經之路跨越 1 萬英里,走過了絲路和險峻的高山與地形。玄奘                                                                    力和遠見獲得當時中國皇帝青睞,進而受委派下西洋 7 次,促進貿易的交流並增進
             的成就不僅僅將印度的佛經帶回中國,更將中國文化引進西方世界,對於世界的文                                                                      中國的聲望與勢力。透過他的無敵艦隊,其足跡遍布汶萊、泰國、馬六甲等東南亞、
             化交流貢獻良多。在《西遊記》一書中,記載著玄奘和他的三名弟子「孫悟空、豬                                                                      印度、非洲和許多地方。也有一說,他所帶領的鑑隊,其實早在哥倫布發現美洲的

             八戒、沙悟淨」,千里迢迢到印度取經的不思議旅程。                                                                                  70 年前就已到達美國,且更早在麥哲倫之前就已環繞地球一周。
                   Xuan Zang was a 7th century Buddhist monk from the Tang dynasty who made a journey of epic proportions   Zheng He, born in 1371, is one of the most celebrated and laudable explorers of the 14th century. His
             across central Asia to India in search of true words of Buddhism. His astonishing 10000 miles journey included   extraordinary ability and vision caught the eye of the Emperor of China and he was commissioned to make seven
             travelling through Silk Road and over treacherous mountains and terrains. He has not only brought Indian sutra to   voyages to promote trade and enhance China’s prestige and power. With his vast fleet, he travelled to countries such
             china, but also brought Chinese culture to the west and contributed to the spread of other cultures throughout the   as Brunei, Thailand, Malacca, India, Africa and many more. Some say that Chinese ships, led by Zheng He, had
             world. This novel depicts his journey to India together with his three disciples, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing.  reached America seventy years before Columbus and had circumnavigated the globe a century before Magellan.

      52   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      53
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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