Page 55 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 55

傳奇主角  鄭和下西洋Ⅱ  鄭和下西洋Ⅲ

 Exhibition  The Voyage of Zheng He Ⅱ  The Voyage of Zheng He Ⅲ

 鄭和下西洋打破明朝洪武年間的海禁政策,「西洋」泛指當時的南洋和印度洋  鄭和下西洋航線先穿越臺灣海峽經過南海,再由麻六甲海峽進入印度洋。往中
 地區,如此一來活絡了中國和東南亞的海上貿易連結。東南亞各國從與鄭和艦隊貿  東方向,鄭和艦隊更到過印度、波斯等地,進行訪查、停留補給;不但促進了中國

 易中獲利豐厚,而鄭和由東南亞帶回的貨物也豐富了中國的物質生活,帶來雙贏的  與亞非地區間的友好關係,也是中國古代天文航海術最光輝的一刻。

 The voyage of Zheng He broke the Haijin ('sea ban') order imposed during China's Ming   Zheng He's shipping route passed through the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, the Strait
 Dynasty, Hongwu Period. His voyages promoted trade between China and Southeast Asia through   of Malacca, and reached the Indian Ocean. Zheng He led his fleet to India and Persia and further
 maritime activities, leading to Southeast Asian countries obtaining a huge fortune while China   developed a good relationship between China and countries in Asia and Africa.
 bringing back a large quantity of goods.

 54  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      55
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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