Page 57 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 57

傳奇主角  鄭和下西洋Ⅳ  萊特兄弟

 Exhibition  The Voyage of Zheng He Ⅳ  Wright Brothers

 鄭和艦隊最遠航行至非洲東海岸,期間長頸鹿被鄭和帶回中國,這也是長頸鹿  萊特兄弟們的飛機也許和今日我們所見的大相逕庭,但不可否認地,西元 1903
 第一次到中國。七次下西洋遠航,鄭和經訪東南亞、南亞、阿拉伯和東非等地區,  年 12 月 17 日那時,他們在航空史上締造了歷史性的一刻。萊特兄弟奧維爾和維爾

 不僅是海上貿易交流的重要里程碑,也是世界航海史上的空前壯舉。  伯製造出世界上第一架比空氣重,並且可以載人的動力飛行器。這些航空界的先驅

 The record of Zheng He's expedition went to the east coast of Africa, which was believed to   Though their flights may not seem like much today, they marked a historical moment in aviation
 have been the farthest. The biggest commotion was caused when a giraffe was delivered as a tribute   history on 17th December 1903. The Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were credited with being the
 to China. Zheng He's seven voyages not only developed a mutual trade between China and other   first to achieve sustained flight of a “heavier-than-air” machine. These aviation pioneers have indeed
 countries, such as Southeast Asian countries, southern Asia, Saudi Arabia, and East Africa, but also   revolutionised the way we travel today.
 created a unprecedented record in the history of marine navigation.

 56  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      57
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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