Page 59 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 59

傳奇主角  大貓熊  克里斯多福 . 哥倫布

 Exhibition  Giant Panda  Christopher Columbus

 自從去年 (2013)7 月貓熊寶寶圓仔出生後,貓熊風潮襲捲全臺。貓熊寶寶可愛  出生於義大利熱那亞的哥倫布,早在 14 歲就開始他的航海之旅,他的足跡

 的模樣,融化了全世界許多人的心;再加上牠著名的雙親「團團和圓圓」,貓熊成  很快地遍布地中海和大西洋海域。根據豐富的航海經驗,哥倫布推論出如果他向
 為臺北市動物圓裡最吸睛的亮點。不過,大貓熊和許多野生動物一樣,面臨生存困  西航行,將可從歐洲到達亞洲,因此,他下定決心要找出新的航線。哥倫布雖然
 境,需要大家一起珍愛守護。  不是第一位抵達美洲大陸的歐洲人,但卻因為他的緣故,激發了其他歐洲人對於

 Panda-mania has swept Taiwan once again with the birth of Yuan Zai in July last year. This adorable   Born in Genoa, Italy, Columbus started sailing at age 14. He was soon sailing widely in the seas
 baby panda has melted the hearts of many people around the world. Together with her parents, Tuan Tuan   of the Mediterranean and Atlantic. Columbus worked out that it may be possible to sail westwards from
 and Yuan Yuan, the pandas have become the star attractions at Taipei Zoo.  Europe to Asia and decided he would attempt to find this new route. Though Christopher Columbus was not
              the first European to arrive at the continent of America, his rediscovery of it stirred European interest in the
              land at a time when Europe was keen to develop new areas for settlement.

 58  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      59
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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