Page 61 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 61

傳奇主角  環遊世界 80 天

 Exhibition  Around the World in 80 Days

 《環遊世界 80 天》是本描述一位富進取心的的英國人福克,和他的法國隨從  Around the World in Eighty Days is an adventure novel consisting of an enterprising Englishman,
              Phileas Fogg and his French valet, Passepartout, circumnavigating the globe in eighty days. Their
 帕斯巴德在 80 天內環遊世界的冒險故事。冒險旅程帶領他們到訪許多不同國家及
              adventures took them through various countries and cities such as London, India, Hong Kong and many
 城市,例如倫敦、印度、香港等。儘管在旅途中面臨了種種的困難和危險,他們仍  more. Despite meeting various obstacles and dangers along the way, the pair managed to accomplish their
 然成功地完成了環遊世界的任務,並回到家鄉向大家訴說旅途中所發生的趣事。而  task and return home to tell the tale. The man behind the scenes of this breath-taking rollercoaster ride
              around the world is none other than French writer, Jules Verne. Using his vivid imagination, he hopes to
 撰寫這些令人驚心動魄冒險趣事的,是一位法國作家儒勒 ˙ 凡爾納,透過栩栩如生
              prove that everyone can achieve great things armed only with a sense of adventure and exploratory spirit.

 60  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      61
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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