Page 66 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 66

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       傳奇主角                                                         金牛座                                                                                                      雙子座

        Exhibition                                                  Taurus                                                                                                   Gemini

                   金牛座是黃道帶上最古老的星座之一,是為了慶祝人類文化轉捩點「對牛的馴                                                                      明亮的「雙子」名稱,源自於雙子座由兩顆並排閃爍的星星所組成,二元性是
              化」。在金牛座時代 (4000~ 西元前 2000 年 ),古代人類文明透過繁榮的牛市和勞工,                                                         雙子星座符號的中心特徵。而符號中的二根柱子則象徵著左右二邊、黑與白、愚昧
              從犁相關的發明產生農業效益。在此期間,公牛成為了最重要的宗教標誌之一,成                                                                    與瞭解、善與惡、生與死之間不相稱的力量。

              為一種強大的生產力和創造力的象徵。                                                                                            由於好動靈敏的雙子座,相當注重生活多樣性,所以相對地在旅行層面,也要
                   因此對於旅行,金牛座講究旅程的精緻度,他們在意沿途的美景風光,奢華享                                                                 求同時具備多種文化內涵感受。像是時尚新潮、國際化大都市,或散發濃郁文化古
              受更缺一不可。悠逛博物館、聆聽音樂、入住豪華旅館、品嚐美味晚餐等,這是金                                                                    城、異國情調小鎮等新鮮有趣的地方,都能衝擊他們的思維,同時也滿足其多變性

              牛座所謂的旅行質感。                                                                                              格!

                  Taurus is one of the most ancient signs of the zodiac and celebrates the domestication of the            The sun-sign of 'the Twins' takes its name from the two bright stars that dominate the Gemini
              ox, which provided a cultural turning point for mankind. During the Taurean Age (4000 - 2000BC),        constellation. Duality is a central feature of its symbolism, and in ancient times the constellation
              ancient civilizations flourished upon the labor of the bull and the agricultural benefits that arose from   Gemini was seen as a reminder that contradictory forces must be brought together and recognised as
              the associated invention of the plough. During this period the bull became one of the most important    mutually dependent upon each other. The two pillars that represent the sign signify the incongruous
              religious symbols, honoured as a powerful symbol of productivity and creativity.                        forces of left and right, black and white, ignorance and understanding, evil and good, death and life.

      66   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      67
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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