Page 24 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 24

Step 5                                      Step 6

              層層堆疊                                         拆除模板

                  一層模板完成後,再進行第二層堆土,                            沙雕師由上而下逐層創作;每完成一
              層層堆疊上去,高度需要幾層則視沙雕師                           層才拆下一層模板,確保基底牢固,沙雕
              作品大小需要而定。                                    作品時不致崩塌。

              Pile up the layers                           Remove the wood forms
                  After completing a layer of the wood form, a   Sand  sculpting  starts  from  the  top  and
              second layer will be piled up. The sand sculptors   works downwards. Once the top layer is complete
              will decide the number of layers based on the size   the next one down is revealed to make sure the
              of their creations.                          foundation is solid and firm.

       24  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand ∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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