Page 25 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 25

Step 7                                      Step 8

                切大塊面及細雕                                     噴膠

                    沙雕師創作一開始都會根據手繪稿及                            大型沙雕創作經常歷時數天才能完成,
                比例,用大鏟刀把切出形體大的塊面,由                          每做完一個細節後沙雕師即會進行噴膠維
                上而下,再逐步深入細節刻劃描繪。                            護,在表面形成保護膜避免被風化破壞。

                Carve the large chunk of sand               Spray glue
                    Sand sculpting masters usually carve the    Large sand sculptures generally take a few
                large chunk of sand with the shovel blade first   days to complete. Each sculpting master sprays
                according to their drawing and the scale before   glue on his sculpture to preserve it after he finishes
                carrying on details.                        each part.

                                                                                         〘觀沙.雕沙藝術     25
                                                                                           Art of sand carving
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