Page 59 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 59



                 Cows and Global Warming
                                                                   沙雕師  方智達 Fang Zhi-Da
                                                                                  臺灣 / Taiwan

                                                         冠軍   The First Place

                                                         隊伍名稱  一起玩沙吧
                                                         隊長  呂佳雯 隊員:方智達、蕭劭芳

               全球暖化愈形嚴重,疾呼著降低二氧化碳排                       Every country endeavors to lower the emission
                                                         of  carbon  dioxide to  ease  the  issue  of  global
                                                         warming. According to the statistics, 18% of the
               群,他們排出二氧化碳佔總量的 18%;牛屁                     greenhouse gasses come from cows. Cow’s farts
               和排泄物含多種汙染氣體,其中氨與甲烷最                       and excrements produce a variety of polluting
                                                         gases, especially ammonia and methane. Ammonia
               為嚴重,氨是導致酸雨的主要原因 , 而甲烷                     is the primary cause of the acid rain while methane
               這種氣體暖化地球速度比二氧化碳快了 20                      accelerates global warming 20 times faster than
                                                         carbon dioxide. Other than the gases produced by
               倍,且牛分泌 1 公升牛奶要先消耗 990 公
                                                         cows, it also takes 990 liters to produce 1 liter milk.
               升的水,然而過度畜牧也造成 1/5 草地因而                    Livestock industry also leads to the desertification
                                                         of one fifth grasslands. Therefore, we would like to
                                                         encourage people to eat more vegetables instead
               者,少吃肉、多吃素,減少排放溫室暖化氣                       of beef in order to lower the greenhouse gasses as

               體、也減少飼養動物所消耗的穀物。                          well as the grains for feeding animals.

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                                                                                            Precise carving
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