Page 64 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 64



                                                                    沙雕師  Edith van de Wetering
                                                                                  荷蘭 / The Netherlands

               弗洛拉是羅馬神話中掌管花、繁衍、以及春                       Flora was the Roman Goddess of flowers, fertility
                                                         and spring, who protected the early blossoms. She
                                                         typified the season of spring and was generally
               貌的少女戴著花環。她的名字來自於拉丁文-                      represented as a beautiful maiden, garlanded with
               floris,是花朵的意思。屬於她的花神節通常                   flowers. Her name comes from the Latin word `floris',
                                                         meaning flower. Her festival, the Floralia, was held
               在 4 月 28 日舉辦到 5 月 3 日,這個節日象               between April 28 and May 3 and symbolized the
               徵著生命、飲酒作樂、和花團錦簇。                          renewal of the cycle of life, drinking and flowers.

               現代生活中,春天對我們而言習以為常,我                       These days we take the arrival of spring for granted.
                                                         We forget how vulnerable nature is. We are not
               們忘記了自然環境的取得何其珍貴。即便我                       surprised spring keeps coming back, even though
               們不斷地汙染這個地球,對於春天的到來還                       we keep polluting the world. This sculpture is a call
                                                         to celebrate nature and to take some time to realise
                                                         how beautiful nature still is.

       64  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand ∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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