Page 61 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 61



                 Drama and life
                                                                     沙雕師  沈瑞騰 Chris Shum
                                                                        香港 / Hong Kong, China

                                                         冠軍   The First Place

                                                         隊伍名稱  一起玩沙吧
                                                         隊長  呂佳雯 隊員:方智達、蕭劭芳

               作品以人生為題材,沙雕以面譜、舞臺等創                       This sand sculpture whose theme is life uses acting
                                                         masks and the stage as a way to show its creation
               作為本。舞臺上每套戲劇都千變萬化 ,悲歡
                                                         There are countless plots showing on the stage
               離合、恐樂無常、得失成敗、愛與被愛。 每                      based on joys and sorrows, uncertainty of life,
               個人都有自己的角色,有時當主角,有時當                       success and failures, and love and being loved.
                                                         Every person has his own role in life. They play as
               配角,有時當導演,當上多重角色,上演着                       a leading role, a supporting role, or a director on the
               不同的人生故事。大家在人生舞臺,怎樣才                       stage to perform their own story. How can they give
                                                         a brilliant and meaningful performance? That's why
                                                         people say 'Life is like a drama and vice versa.'

                                                                                         〘雕沙.精刻細琢  61
                                                                                            Precise carving
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