Page 82 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 82
蛙熊認真 蛙熊水
Hardworking and
Beautiful People in Taiwan
佳作 Masterpiece
隊伍名稱 團塊晨寶
隊長 楊語萱 隊員:謝晨
在這個四面環海的小島上,四百年來經歷各 Taiwan, an island surrounded by the sea, has been
through different political powers over four centuries.
Taiwanese people's hardworking attitude on this
的心,為了家鄉,為了土地,為了親人而認 land makes this island a beautiful place. (Taipei tree
真地努力著,這就是最 " 水”的臺灣風景。 frogs and Formosan black bears both endemic to
Taiwan are used to make sand sculptures. Other
( 以臺灣原生的臺北樹蛙和臺灣黑熊為造型, than using their similar sounds implying Taiwanese
除了取諧音外,也提醒大家要愛護寶島上的 people, this creation also reminds people to protect
Taiwan's environment.)
大自然環境喔! )
82 金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
Glory of Golden Sand∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival