Page 51 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 51



 清嘉慶2年  ─漳浦人吳明德捧玉皇神像渡海來台,至蘭陽歸附吳沙,並結草廬奉祀神像。
 清道光16年 ─民眾建廟於現址,稱為天公廟,惟規模簡陋。

 清光緒30年 ─吳紹華等人發起醵金,就地改建廟宇,取蘇軾「一朵紅雲捧玉皇」之意,稱
 民國21年  ─發起人吳金枝、李木來、藍阿順、辦理人黃天成等,再行重修殿宇。
 民國37年  ─吳石定等發起添建前殿,於民國39年完工。

 民國46年  ─慶雲宮管理委員會成立。

 芒花  民國49年  ─兩座南北門樓興建。
 民國52年  ─地方人士為配合觀光,於廟後開闢公園,栽植花木,增建涼亭、噴水池。                                                         The Legend of the Silver Grass
 ‧ 拾穗
 民國58年  ─地方人士興議重建凌霄寶殿,於民國60年完工。
 民國65年  ─舊稱新建。
 50  民國79年  ─文化活動中心興建,佔地2000餘坪及改建兩廊道。                                                            51

 History of Dali Temple

 In the 2  year of emperor Jiaqing’s reign during the Qin Dynasty — Wu Ming De, from
 Zhangpu, carried the Jade Emperor statue overseas to Taiwan, and settled in Yian.
  ─  草嶺古道尋幽行
 In the 16  year of emperor Daoguan’s reign during the Emperor at Qin Dynasty — the
 temple was built and named Dali Temple.
 In the 30  year of emperor Guanxu’s reign during the Qin Dynasty — the temple was
 rebuilt and renamed as Qingyun temple.                                                           Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
 In 1932—The temple was rebuilt again by Wu Jin Zhi, Li Mu Lai, Lan A Shun, Huang Tian
 Cheng, and others.
 In 1948—work on the front hall commenced and it was completed in 1950.
 In 1957—the Qingyun Temple Committee was established.
 In 1960—two arches over the gateway were built.
 In 1963—a park in back of the temple was open for sightseeing.
 In 1969—rebuilding of the Lingxiao Palace was started, it was completed two years later.
 In 1976—the temple was rebuilt.
 In 1990—the nearly seven-thousand-square-meter culture activity center of the temple
 was completed.
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