Page 63 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 63

一株芒草                 Silver Grass:

 自然界所賜予的美好禮物          The Wonderful Gift from the Nature

                      The first impression people get for the Caoling Historical Trail is always the swaying silver
 草嶺古道最為人所熟悉的芒草,閩南語稱「菅芒」,在臺灣的平原和低海拔丘陵山  grass. It’s a common plant here in terrain at low attitude. Different from other plants blooming
 區,都不難發現芒草的蹤跡。它往往率先在一個裸露地區出現,生長時序和許多植  and growing in spring and summer, silver grass blossoms from late autumn. When northeast
 物不一樣。每年到秋天時,多半是植物蕭索、候鳥南飛的季節,這時卻是芒草的花  wind starts to blow hard in winter, it’s the prime time for silver grass to bloom. The spectacular
 穗開始抽長的時候,通常到了晚秋,就已經滿山火紅。到了寒冬時,金屬的光澤褪  scene of the silver grass waves swaying all over the mountain and valley attracts visitors
 去,色澤漸漸轉白灰後的芒花,在冬風裡搖曳,黃褐帶白,十分醒目。    worldwide every year. Though the beauty of blossoming silver grass is obvious, hikers are not
                      so fond of silver grass. This is because the silver grass contains "silicon" which can easily cut
                      a person’s skin and so hikers often get hurt. Despite this, silver grass is quite useful in older,
                      agrarian times. At that time, silver grass was used to make brooms, grass roofing and was even
                      used in traditional Chinese medicine! Silver grass is not only useful to people, but also for
                      birds. Some birds use it to build nests; some even build their nest in the silver grass bushes!
 而以鳥類而言,許多低海拔鳥類都與其有密切生活關係,斑文鳥、尖尾文鳥等文鳥                                                             The Legend of the Silver Grass
 ‧ 拾穗
 著芒花穗桿去築巢,還有些鳥類就直接在芒草叢裡面築巢;另有一種褐頭鷦鶯因常  秋色芒芒   原來不是五節芒
 62  著名的「芒草之鳥」。        秋日時節是芒草正盛時,過往一般人多把郊野所見芒草一概                                                63
 贈予的美好禮物。              色、不具白粉,花開於五、六月,分布以中南部為主、北部
  ─  草嶺古道尋幽行
   十年精彩全紀錄                                                                                        Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
                       Silver Grass: Miscanthus sinensis var. glaber
                       Instead of Miscanthus floridulus, the most common Miscanthus sp. in low altitudinal Taiwan,
                       Miscanthus sinesis var. glaber is found in Caoling. While Miscanthus floridulus has leaves green
                       on the back and blooms in May and June, Miscanthus sinesis var. glaber has leaves with
                       white awns and white powder on the back and blooms from October to January.Blooming
                       from October to November, its early flowers appear reddish. About one to three
                       meters high, silver grass generally grows on the grasslands. In addition to thriving on the
                       Caoling Historical Trail on the Northeast Coast, Yangminshan and Jiufen are two sites for
                       populations of silver grass. Be sure to wear long sleeved clothes and pants when walking
                       into silver grass bush, as the leaves can cut your skin.
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