Page 66 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 66





                     Flora: Broad-Leaved Forest,

                     Coniferous Trees and Grass Fern                                                                                                                                                       The Legend of the Silver Grass
        ‧ 拾穗
                     Caoling is a good place for admiring silver grass in the autumn. Looking
                     around and seeing the trees growing near the hilltops, you would know that
       66            Caoling was not always covered with silver grass. The environmental factors                                                                                                          67
         山海間的古道記憶    in Caoling do not limit tree growth and forest formation. However, the
                     past several fires destroyed large tracts of forests.  With the passing time,
                     forests have been recovered from the valleys toward the hilltops. Because
                     of unfavorable environments on hilltops, the succession proceeds pretty
                     slowly. Till now, Caoling is still mostly covered with grasses.
         ─  草嶺古道尋幽行

          十年精彩全紀錄                                                                                                                                                                                          Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
                                                       暖濕谷地多榕樹                                                                                          名符其實的稜果榕
                                                       榕樹屬熱帶性樹種,全世界有850種,位居亞熱帶的臺灣也有18種                                                                  榕樹最大的特點就在於它那一球球像果實的構造,其內包藏著無數
                                                       11變種,多分布於低海拔地區,特別是溫暖潮濕的溪谷環境。在                                                                    的小花,故稱「隱頭花序」,結的果實也包在這球狀物裏,故也
                                                       草嶺古道上共可發現14種榕樹植物,常見的有正榕、雀榕、大葉雀                                                                   稱「隱頭果」。稜果榕的隱頭果具有一條條的稜線,故名。雌雄異
                                                       榕、島榕、稜果榕、水同木、菲律賓榕、九丁榕與牛乳榕。                                                                       株。常與水同木混淆,隱頭果扁球形具稜、嫩葉黃綠而不顯橙紅可
                                                       Fig trees in warm and moist valleys
                                                                                                                                                        Hauil fig
                                                       Figs are tropical tree species. There are 850 species of
                                                       figs in the world. In Taiwan, there are 18 species and 11                                        The major characteristic of figs is its fruit-like syconia, in which
                                                       varieties, mostly distributed in low elevations, especially in                                   many flowers are hidden. Hauil fig’s syconia with ridges on
                                                       warm and moist valleys. Along Caoling ancient trails, 14                                         the surface are its major difference from other figs. Its young
                                                       species of figs can be found.                                                                    leaves are yellowish green.
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