Page 117 - 發現‧黃金沙城
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 8ࡈʃࣛ৵זؒ   ҁϓҢٙᎉӍڋ᜗᜕  މၽᝄٙӍᎉᖵஔ˔ɨ࣬ਿl
 ତ                                                                                                  2011 ၅
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 ږ                                                                                                  ඤ
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 ؍ɲ་€ద᜗዆Υʿ܁ෂe਷̮Ӎᎉࢪટܙ  ದ਷თ€ݺਗᐼו፬ɛ                                                                  Ӎ
 ʦࢀdɓࡈցලࠬ৷ٙૉɪdಁ˾Ҙ׸্҃ᘠə˼සπٙཧ࠮ķˆ௚ჳ  ϓ̌ݺਗٙߠܝஷ੬ცࠅɓࡈԔ߮ٙྠඟᎰᎰήւᘠdϾ˕ܵྠඟᗴจ                                   ஔ
 ৻eҢΨఀəʈਕሙٙږᚆ຅ᝈ଺dఐༀϓၽᝄ௰ਃɽӍᎉࢪķˮؒڿٙ  ᎰᎰւᘠٙ௰ɽਗɢۆ༷݊܄፣ᚔٙਞၾlՇࡈ˜ٙӍᎉݺਗ࿁ו፬٫
 ʃп˓dᙬੵήί၅ඤऎ˥ਹఙ༁˜ᎉӍ™fʦϋ၅ඤӍᛉ߉್Ըə40  €ఊЗԸႭ݊ήဪkא݊˂ੀkΪމॆ͍ٙܿ኷ʔ݊஝ྌٙཀ೻dϾ                                  ੹
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 ৎᄝ˥ᙺd઺ҢνОίӍᎉɪ͂ݸiᄝɪᐑڭᇭո֛fᎉӍ௰ࠠࠅٙኪ୦ː࿒୽ཀ׵ᑔɽː୚əiڋኪ٫  ஔ౤؁ʔˇfชᑽהϞމ͉ݺਗးːးɢٙྫМࡁdᔫ˸Ϥ˖ߧ
 ߰˄ཀ׵ܢᙍdܘ࢙׸ᎉՍ˄ଉdᒔึᜫ዆ࢭӍᎉᎊࣛ੥෭Ό์iᎉՍࣛdɰࠅᎇࣛϽᅇӍሯٙ৻๛ܓe  ɪ௰ਫ਼৷หจf€͉˖Ъ٫ͦۃሜ΂֝ᚆጤͭ᜗ԃఙ฀ԫ

 ௰ܝdන੭ɓ౤dܰ˜˂ʮϞڭС™ʘሮdʦϋӍᎉ֙ಂගჱࠬேӚٜᅝ၅  Establish the Foundation for Taiwan Sand Sculpture Art
 ᓃɿdᙬੵήวးהϞوࠦdชᑽ40εЗӍᎉࢪਞၾd͂ி61ࢭӍᎉЪ  You Guo Ming (coordinator-in-chief of the activity)
            No matter how complete and perfect planning is in advance, you’ll never know what you will
 ˹̈iชᑽʦϋהϞᗎпఊЗٙ̈፺̈ɢdᑽᑽઆࡁdɽ࢕Ԕ߮əl  encounter during the activity itself.  This is what I learned from the sand sculpture festival.
            Everyday during the festival, we were absorbed and alert in our work, ready for all kinds of
 8-Hour-Marathon to Finish My First Sand Creation   situations and problems.  On the lighter side of things, it was quite easy to lose weight under all
            the stress!  Many people contributed to the success of the activity.  Mr. Wei for example was
 Lin Yu Shi (coordinator for press and marketing, reception of foreign Sand Sculptors)
            responsible for pounding up the sand base.  This is an integral and critical part for every sand
 One dark night this summer, witnessed by Jin Lan from the Maintenance Department, helped by the generous gift   sculpture.  Thanks to his skill and diligence, the pounding up was of a high standard and highly
 of a pack of biscuits as an encouragement from  Yi Hong  (who was serving alternative service in the administration),   praised by all the sculptors.  Master Chen Min Feng  is another renowned character.  His
 I underwent an experience of being a sculptor for the first time.  My enlightened teacher was Master Wang Song   specialty is carving deity faces, so vivid and life-like that sculptors from foreign countries
 Guan.  Instead risking sunburn, I was smart enough to choose the nighttime to experience my first sculpting.  So that   couldn’t help kneeling down to admire them.  His work Legend of the Sea—Matsu is a great
 day at about seven in the evening, we headed for the beach.  Mr. Wei had already been there pounding up a   example of this.  As for Mater Wang Song Guan, he was the key person on the beach.  He was
 small sand base for me.  Master Wang  patiently taught me step by step.  He showed me how to draw a rough   like a live dictionary on sand sculpture.  I would like to thank Ted from the US team, Toshi from
 sketch and dig a hole down to the water table.  He helped me with the forming and stacking of sand patties, the   Japan, and all the other sculptors for coming all the way to Taiwan for our sand sculpture
 carving of towers into shapes using a trowel, a putty knife and plastic utensils to the final protective spraying of a   festival.  Finally, to the colleagues working in the festival, my sincere gratitude for you is far, far
 sealer (usually a water and glue mix) onto the surface of the tower.  I was so devoted that didn’t notice the time   beyond description.
 passing so quickly.  It was four o’clock the next morning when I finished my first sculpture!   The author is currently the secretary in charge of Yilan County Stadium

 Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                      The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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