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            GINORMOUS Sand Sculptures!!!                                                                             Fulong Festival: a Blast for Me!
       ତ                                                                                                                                                                                                    2011 ၅
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       ږ                                                                                                                                                                                                     ඤ
       Ӎ    Philip Liao (Foreign Liaison)                                                                            Jason Chang/Foreign Liaison                                                             ਷
       ۬                                                                                                                                                                                                     ყ
            GINORMOUS sand sculptures!!! That’s all I have to say...However, that wouldn’t do justice to             The 2011 Sand Sculpture Festival in Fulong was a blast for me. Before I came to Fulong for the substitution   ᎉ
            the people whose dedication and hard work made this event possible. The artists, workers and             service, I visited Fulong in early May with my friends to see the sand sculptures. It was my first to see such   ᖵ
            behind the scene personnel are the people who made the                                                   large sand sculpture exhibition. There were also many delicated works that opened my eye. It was the   ஔ ֙
            sand sculpture festival an unforgettable and life changing                                               point when I made my decision to serve here in Fulong. A week after the visit I reported at the Northeast     ၚ
            experience.                                                                                              Coast Scenic Area Administration office, which is located right next to the Fulong beach. The first day my   ੹ Ό
                                                                                                                     superior army soldier, Philip Liao, first took my colleague, Austin Lin, and me for a short tour in the office,   ߏ
            I remember my first emails with Ted and Toshi almost 9 months                                            and then to the beach! He introduced us the other superior substitution service soldiers. They were   ፽
            before the festival, I was so afraid that I wouldn’t be able to                                          practicing sand carving for the competition next day. There was a sand sculpture master, Wang, giving
            communicate with them, and somehow the festival would be lost                                            instruction and showed us a few tips. Too bad we joined a bit late otherwise we could join them for the
            in translation. But my fears subsided quickly, as I realized that both                                   competition, which would be so cool, but it is ok since we will have the chance next year.
            Ted and Toshi were honest and extremely friendly people. Emails
            that were intended for work soon became social and chatty, and
            the ideas for the sculptures quickly went from “this could work” to “this is amazing”.                   ၅ඤӍᎉٙᜓᝣชա

            And after months of preparation, the artists arrived in Taiwan, and they came from all over the          ੵࣥႴ€਷̮ԫਕᑌᖩ
            world. I was amazed to see the camaraderie between each artist, some being best friends,
            and others meeting for the very first time. Their professionalism was only dwarfed by their artistic     ίҢϓމ؇̏ԉ؂ਕஈٙಁ˾Ҙۃdఱίʞ˜ڋிஞཀ၅ඤəd຅ࣛଉա̶ɽӍᎉ௴ЪٙቤኼdӚซՑ
            talent, and then again by their ability to have fun and laugh at each other. Beyond the 8 hours of       ν४ྡྷছٙ୚ӍঐிఱνϤᜓɛٙЪۜfܝԸԸՑ؇̏ԉజՑܝdఱ༧ഹ఻Зಁ˾ҘٙΝԫɓৎࠋபӍ
            meticulous carving each day, each artist was busy enjoying their lives in their own ways. I spent
            the early days observing, but before I knew it I was sucked into their activities, and they welcome      ᎉٙၪᚐʈЪd̙઎ҢజՑٙࣛගʔ੄Ϙdʔ್ҢɰซɓΝਞ̋Ӎᎉˢᒄճd̥ঐഃ׼ϋəf
            me as one of them. I became the cold drink after a long summer day, the sweet and sour
            chicken for lunch, Charlie’s Bar, sky lanterns, mo-ped rides, the Fubar, poker, awards ceremonies,
            Russo-American jokes, all sorts of crazy shenanigans, and even the sand stuck that area hard to          ᗭҙԟݬ௰˜૭™ಁ˾Ҙٙ˚ɿ
            reach. Each artist showed me a new side of life, and in return I felt like I traveled the world. I was
            overwhelmed with new experiences and emotions, and I didn’t want it to end.                              ؍ɿ௸€Ӎᎉၪᚐ
            Alas, time flies, beautiful moments are fleeting, sculptures crumble, but Fulong beach remains waiting for
            another adventure with the people who will mold it into a masterpiece once again. I will always          ࡝Ց؇̏ԉజՑࣛܘ̷ఱ༾ɪəӍᎉ֙dӍᎉ֙ᒱ್ܘώdۍ݊ᜫɛܘጳኧٙɓࡈ᜗᜕fҢࡁಁ˾Ҙॆ
            remember listening to the ocean and watching castles built out of sand. And to the people who made it    ٙ݊˜ၲࠬЍᜊ™dӊϣ̥ࠅЀၲჱࠬࠅԸdேࠅ௟ഹɽ˄ජאڽഹࠬڠ̘װΫɧɤ఻௟ɽۨ੮ᐫ€ӊ
            all possible, thank you. 2011 Fulong Sand Sculpture Festival was a beauty, and don’t forget it.          ௟ࠅਗ̬͜ɛʘɢdܙჱࠬᕎකɦࠅਗ̴਼ࡁภႊΫ̘fΙ൥௰ଉٙ݊dɘ˂ʫϞՇࡈჱࠬҖϓd੮ᐫ
            ೌၾࡐˢٙ၅ඤӍᎉ֙l                                                                                              ЪdࠅႭҢࡁ݊௰˜૭™ٙಁ˾Ҙ̙ॆ݊ɓᓃேӚ፹lӍᎉ௰ܝഐҼࣛdҢࡁಁ˾ҘւնϥςӍᎉٜՑ

            Ң࿁வϣӍᎉٙਬɓ൘ྖఱ݊jλၚ੹λସɽਧfШவᅵٙႭجᜑ್Ԩʔԑ˸̂ʱ౜ࠑʦϋӍᎉࢪٙː                                                            The Most Memorable Period of My Alternative Service Days
            ٙӍᎉᖵஔ֙f೓া੻ݺਗۃɘࡈ˜dҢୋɓϣᄳڦഗTedʿToshid຅ࣛᒔܘዄːӚ຾᜕ٙҢึพौவ                                                        Lin Zi Xun (serving alternative service in the administration)
            ࡈ΂ਕdܝԸ೯ତ˼ࡁே݊ܘʾഛٙλɛdܘҞఱၾ˼ࡁᆞᗆdԨίɓ܆܆ֻڏٙཥɿඉ΁ʕdʵ೥̈                                                            I was so lucky to catch up with this year’s sand sculpture festival.  During the period, we were responsible
            ɓࢭࢭӍᎉٙᕑҖf຾ཀεࡈ˜ٙᘪ೥d୞׵ഃՑ˼ࡁ࠭ԸၽᝄٙࣛՍdɰᜫҢԈᗆՑ˼ࡁٙਖ਼ุʿ˂                                                            for the maintenance of the sand sculpture.  Whenever there was a typhoon approaching or people
            ΅dৰəӊ˂ɞࡈʃࣛٙਖ਼ءᎉӍdՉቱࣛග˼ࡁۆӚ፹ཀชաၽᝄٙᆠઋၾߕᘆfΪމટܙٙ΂ਕᗫ                                                            reporting somebody trying to cause damage to the sculpture, we would rush to the scene
            ڷdနနٙdҢɰϓމ˼ࡁʘගٙɓ΅ɿdҢࡁ΍Νਞၾ஢εᗭҙٙݺਗd௃ց̹eऎᛉᚣᐄe၅ыट                                                            immediately.  Incredibly, two typhoons approached the coast within nine days of each other.  For
            Ђeʝ޴͂ंᄔችdၾவԬԸІʔΝ਷࢕ٙӍᎉࢪ޴ஈdᜫҢ᜗᜕ՑΌอٙ͛նdҗ߰Ңɰ༷Ԑə˰ޢ                                                            safety reasons, we would dismantle the tents to prevent the torn and broken tent parts from damaging
            ɓਸ਼dॆٙܘҎૐݺਗ͑ჃйഐҼl̥݊ࣛΈ࠭஻dӍᎉݺਗ୞Ӻึໝ࿇dऎᛉɪٙӍࢭɰ୞ึΫᓥྡྷ                                                            the sand sculptures.  During those nine days, we took apart a dozen big tents and then reassembled
            ɺdШҢ޴ڦ၅ඤऎᗙ͑ჃϞഹɨɓϣ˿ɛᜓᝣٙอԳЪfவݬɓᗙᛓऎɓᗙ޶ഹӍᎉנήϾৎٙ˚                                                             them four times!  Being so closely related to the protection of the sand sculpture day and night for two
            ɿd˿Ң͑͛ᗭҙdɰชᑽಀ຾ਞၾ˹̈ٙ࿇ܝߵඪdމʦϋٙӍᎉ֙वɨə௰ߕᘆٙԒᅂf                                                                months, I felt sad when the cranes drove onto the beach and tore down the sand towers.  But as they
                                                                                                                     say, all good things come to an end.  All I can say is that I am looking forward to next year’s festival!

            Discovery of the Golden Sand Empire                                                                                                                    The 2011 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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