Page 63 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 63

12/22~1/20                                                        1/21~2/19
 傳奇主角  摩羯座                                                         水瓶座

 Exhibition  Capricorn                                             Aquarius

 帶著魚尾巴的山羊,是巴比倫的神「依亞」。「他有著淵博的知識」、「銳利  古代的巴比倫,水瓶座的形象是位持水者,負責管理天空中一大片稱為「海」
 的眼神」,同時也被稱為「深海中的羚羊」,他教導人類文明的藝術。他位於波斯  的區域。這是天空中可使土地肥沃的「上等水質」,因此被視為生命之泉,透過下
 灣海岸的宮殿附近有一顆青金石樹葉的大樹,大樹就像是一座森林一樣,阻擋了整  雨的方式降臨大地,也是雙魚座中二條魚「南魚和海豚」的棲息地。

 個陽光。            水瓶座崇尚自由且具有強烈好奇心,這樣的特質讓他們鍾愛獨特、神秘和刺激
 保守、嚴謹的摩羯座平日勤於工作,旅行則是他們對忙碌工作的自我犒賞,所  的旅行玩樂模式,如此才能顯示出獨樹一格的自我品味。此外,他們更喜歡投入大
 以喜歡親近自然的旅程風光,讓內心回歸寧靜,尋求一種無爭的愉悅感,此時壓力  自然懷抱尋找真相、體悟真理,所以水瓶座展開旅程的地點,通常是相當特別的。


 Capricorn, the goat with a fish’s tail, is the Babylonian god, Ea, “He of the vast intellect’, “Lord   In ancient Babylon, Aquarius, the Water Bearer, ruled over a huge area of the sky known as The Sea.
 of the Sacred Eye”. He was also known as “the antelope of the subterranean ocean”, from which he   These were the fertilizing 'upper waters' of the sky, seen as the source of life, through which the sun passed in
 emerged to teach man the arts of civilization.Near his earthly palace on the shore of the Persian Gulf   the rainy season, and where the two fish of Pisces, the Southern Fish and the Dolphin, amongst others marine
 grew a great tree with leaves of lapis lazuli, which cast as much shade as a whole forest.  creatures, can be found. The star, Sad el Melik, 'the lucky one of the king', marks Aquarius's right shoulder.

 62  金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                              旅。沙裡世界      63
 Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                   Sand Sculpture Works
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