Page 64 - 2014福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 64

2/20~3/20                                                                                                3/21~4/20
       傳奇主角                                                         雙魚座                                                                                                      牡羊座

        Exhibition                                                  Pisces                                                                                                   Aries

                  雙魚座的二條魚由來,可追溯到幼發拉底河岸早期的文明時期。在女神阿塔伽                                                                       牡羊座是占星術黃道十二宮 (12 星座 ) 的第一宮,也是古春分點的位置。在古
             神以及她的兒子,同時也是愛人的依赫句思寺廟中,有著神聖的魚池。依赫句思和                                                                     時候,春分代表著一年的開始,此時也透過舉行許多節慶來光耀新生命與新的開始。
             耶穌基督一樣,死後可以重生。而在占星術中,最後 2 千年被視為雙魚宮時代,這                                                                   牡羊座著名的神聖符號,它的羊毛即使被剪過後,還是會源源不絕地長出,也因此

             時的雙魚座也和另外二個星球「木星和土星」相連結,而形成所謂的伯利恒之星。                                                                     象徵著復甦的精神。
                  雙魚座比其他星座更富有浪漫情懷和想像力,旅行的意義對他們而言在於享受                                                                       所以,牡羊座喜好冒險、突破與流浪的旅程,只要具有挑戰、刺激和探險等特
             難得的浪漫氛圍。                                                                                                 性,就能挑起心中的旅行熱血。

                  The two fishes of Pisces date back to the dawn of civilisation on the banks of the Euphrates             Aries is the wake-up call of the zodiac. In ancient times the spring equinox marked the start
             river. In the temples of the goddess Atagartis and her son- lover, Ichthys, there were sacred fish       of the New Year and festivities were held to honour the birth of new life and the new beginnings that
             ponds. Like Christ, Ichthys died and was reborn.In astrology, the last two thousand years have been      lay in store. The Ram became celebrated in the associated stars as a sacred symbol of resurrection,
             the Age of Pisces and the conjunction of the two great planets, Jupiter and Saturn, which occurred in    since its fleece, when shorn, continues to grow and provides a constant, abundant supply.
             Pisces, may have been the Star of Bethlehem.

      64   金沙傳奇 不思議 / 旅程 一沙一世界                                                                                                                                                                 旅。沙裡世界      65
           Incredible Golden Sand Legends                                                                                                                                                 Sand Sculpture Works
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