Page 78 - 2016福隆國際沙雕藝術季
P. 78


                 蝶舞天際                                    第二名 The Second Place

                 Butterflies Flying                       隊伍名稱 The Sand Walker
                 in the Sky                               隊長  周聖強 隊員:張哲輔、陳慶峻、

               臺灣素有蝴蝶王國的傲世美名,在這座美麗                       Taiwan, called ‘Formosa’, has a reputation as a
                                                         kingdom of butterflies. On this relatively small island,
                                                         there are more than 400 species of butterflies.
               到世界各地的標本和貼畫是國際認識臺灣的                       Specimens and collage paintings of butterflies
               重要管道。然而蝴蝶的美麗來自於多變的成                       exported to countries around the world provide an
                                                         important channel for people to know more about
               長過程,經過了蛻變在天空自在飛舞,猶如                       this island. Butterflies are attractive for its highly
               臺灣的孩子在這片土地成長茁壯,像蝴蝶一                       changeable growing process. They are turned from
                                                         caterpillars into butterflies before flying freely in the
                                                         sky. We wish children on this land can grow up like
               更多的希望與榮耀 !                                colorful butterflies and bring glory and
                                                         success to make this country proud.

       78  金沙榮耀.福隆國際沙雕藝術季
           Glory of Golden Sand∙ Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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