Page 72 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 72

                     草嶺古道蘊藏著豐富史蹟與人文生態,透過一步一腳印登山健行旅程,當思緒回到先                                                                                                                                                 The Legend of the Silver Grass
        ‧ 拾穗

                     With historical sites and cultural relics, the Caoling Historical Trail is like a magic tunnel that
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                     connects the past and present. When people step onto the trail, the nostalgic memories of ancestors
                     and their stories come back. The trail and the flourishing silver grass have been with us for two
                     hundred years. It’s a reminder for all of us that we should cherish what we have now.

         ─  草嶺古道尋幽行

          十年精彩全紀錄                                                                                                                                                                                          Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
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