Page 76 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 76

草嶺古道芒花季                                                                                                     東北角草嶺古道芒花季
                     典藏古道秋芒的                                                                                                        地    點:草嶺古道沿線│大里、福隆遊客服務中心│靈鷲山
                     美麗記憶                                                                                                           方    向:1. 可由遠望坑親水公園向大里(北→南)

                                                                                                                                            2. 自大里出發向遠望坑方向前行(南→北)

                                                                                                                                            3. 另可經由福隆虎子山至遠望坑往大里之路線
                     每年 11 月,東北季風迎風吹拂,漫山的白色芒花海有如                                                                                    歷    史:位於新北市貢寮區遠望坑及宜蘭縣頭城鎮大里之間,是先民往返於臺北與宜蘭間要道
                                                                                                                                    特    色:每逢東北季風吹起,古道兩旁及滿山谷的銀白芒花浪海,美不勝收
                                                                                                                                    提    醒:時入秋冬之際,下午 5 時天色即昏暗,每日下午 2 時後,不建議遊客再入草嶺古道
                     處十年來,每年 11 月初起,都會以不同的創意企劃結                                                                                     Profile of the Annual Festival
                     合主題行銷,舉辦為期 1 個月的「東北角草嶺古道芒花                                                                                     Time: every November to December
                     季」登山活動。                                                                                                        Location: along the trail, Fulong and Dali Visitors’ Center, and Lingjiushan
                                                                                                                                    Length:  The Caoling Historic Trail is 8.5 km long and can be traversed in three to four hours.
                                                                                                                                    Routes: starting either from Yuanwangkeng to Dali (north to south) or from Dali to
                     列趣味生動的活動,如集章戳換贈品、拾寶通關古道奇                                                                                       Yuanwangkeng (south to north), or starting from Fulong Hu-Zi Mountain, passing
                     兵之旅、漂流木藝文走廊、草嶺古道拓碑DIY教學、明                                                                                      through Yuanwangkeng, and arriving at Dali                             The Legend of the Silver Grass
                     信片寄情等兼具知性與感性的節目。每年吸引數萬名愛                                                                                       History: Located between Yuanwangkeng, Gongliao Town, Taipei County and Dali,
        ‧ 拾穗
                     好健行及大自然的民眾慕名前來,一同相約草嶺古道,                                                                                       Toucheng Town, Yilan County, it served as the main route between Taipei and Yilan
                                                                                                                                    for previous generations. The remains of the Danshuei-to-Lanyang Pathway date
                                                                                                                                    back to the Qing Dynasty.
       76            的美麗秋芒,盡享悠遠的古道人文風情,共譜一場兼具                                                                                       Features: when the northeast wind starts to blow, the spectacular scene of green   77
         山海間的古道記憶                                                                                                                   mountains and valleys covered with swaying white silver grass
                                                                                                                                    Reminder: no artificial lighting along the trail so visitors should start hiking before 2:00
                                                                                                                                    pm to ensure they can safely return from any hike
                     The Yearly Banquet: Annual

                     Festival of the Silver Grass
         ─  草嶺古道尋幽行

                     Every November when the northeast wind starts blowing the green
          十年精彩全紀錄                                                                                                                                                                                          Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
                     mountains and valleys are gradually covered with gently swaying white
                     silver grasses. The trail is transformed into a romantic pathway with
                     the landscape full of dazzling silver grass blowing in the breeze.
                     Under the innovative planning of the Northeast and Yilan Coast
                     Administration, the annual Silver Grass Season Festival  can be a
                     nostalgic journey, a magical trip beyond time and space, or even
                     a fictional fantasy in the future. The unique festival attracts tens of
                     thousands of visitors who come along to enjoy the yearly autumn
                     banquet and the special combination of natural beauty and culturally
                     important relics and events.
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