Page 75 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 75

10 年前,為扭轉東北角秋、冬兩季濕冷印象,突破旅遊瓶頸                                                      輯

 推出「草嶺古道芒花季」活動,不但成功打開東北角遊憩休閒的知名度                                                   四

 芒花十年,我們草嶺古道不見不散!                                                                ╲  花


                                                                                 ‧ 十


                                                                                   有              The Legend of the Silver Grass
 ‧ 拾穗

 74                                                                                              75
 山海間的古道記憶 ─ 東北角草嶺古道尋幽行                                                        for Ten Years  PART IV :

   及    芒花季                                                                                       Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails

 十年精彩全紀錄                                                                          Annual Festival of Silver Grass Season

 It's been ten years since the first festival of the silver grass season. Ten years   Festival becomes a big event every November. As time passes by we're not getting
 ago, the Northeast and Yilan Coast Administration combined local resources and   any younger, but the passion and enthusiasm that we have for the land is not
 innovative tourist ideas to encourage people to go out on these cold, wet days and   altered at all. Stepping again onto the hundred year stone trial and pushing aside
 enjoy the spectacular scenery. Since then, the Northeast Caoling Historical Trail   the tightly packed white silver grasses, we know we're home.
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