Page 15 - 2012點沙成金內頁_1017
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                                                                            點沙成金 Turning Sand Into Gold

 2008-2012 ၅ඤӍᎉ֙cϋϋᜓఃஹஹ

 沙雕之真,在於取之天地、用於天地、最終也將還之天地,沙雕之美,在於展現創作  2008-2012 Sand Sculpture Festivals:
 者的想像,平凡無奇如一顆細沙,卻能透過創作者無限的想像與手藝,將抽象的創  Stunning and Awesome!
                                 The most charming part of sand sculpture lies in the transformation process:
                                 from a pile of sand to the finished structure.  It is people’s imagination that
                                 makes it happen.  Since 2008, the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art
                                 Festival has been held annually and promotes “natural art” as well as
                                 providing a modern leisure activity.  For five years, the visitor numbers have
                                 risen by great numbers.  It attracted sixty thousand visitors in 2008 and in 2009
                                 more than people twenty thousand visited the event.  In 2010 one hundred
 2012年的沙雕季最特出之處,除了展現十二生肖中的龍年精神,更在於展現臺灣之  thousand people stepped onto Fulong beach during the two month festival.
 光的身影,舉凡分別在美國NBA籃壇、國際高爾夫球賽中發光發亮、甫獲選為時代  Last summer (2011) more than three hundred and fifty thousand people
 雜誌百大人物的林書豪(Jeremy Lin)與「妮妮」曾雅妮,以及近年來在美國大聯盟  visited Fulong for the sand sculpture festival!  In 2012, the themes of the sand
 發展的王建民,都可見到他們栩栩如生的沙雕英姿,矗立在福隆海邊,彷彿是在跟國  sculptures were quite extensive: from Taiwan’s rising sports stars to well-
 人打招呼般親切。另外,還有美國及加拿大打造「童話世界」、「環球影城」之史瑞  known movie characters, such as Shrek, Batman, The Hulk, and The Fantastic
 克、蝙蝠俠大戰蜘蛛人、綠巨人、驚奇四超人等電影情節巨型沙雕,拉近了國內外訪  Four.  As expected, this year’s event was very successful, attracting a lot of
 客的共同話題,也成功形塑福隆沙要寓教於樂的國際觀點。      media attention and making Fulong an international sand sculpting center.

 2012 福隆國際沙雕藝術季 風華再現
 The 2012 Fulong International Sand Sculpture Art Festival
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