Page 44 - 芒花拾穗_十年全記錄
P. 44

Dr. History: Five Origins of the Earth God and Goddess
                                                                                                                            1. According to legend, in the Zhou Dynasty, a faithful servant named Zhang Ming De escorted
                         土地公婆五大由來及傳說                                                                                        the daughter of his master to her father. Unfortunately on the way they encountered a blizzard.
                                                                                                                            Zhang sacrificed himself by taking off his coat to save the daughter’s life. When he was dying of
                                                                                                                            hypothermia, a line of words showed up high in the sky. It read: "Southern Heavenly Gate Earth
                          (1)  相傳在周朝的時候,有一位忠心的僕人,名叫張明德,他的主人到遠                                                               God”. Later on, his master built a shrine to worship Zhang out of gratitude and the plaque that was
                             地去任官,留在家中的女兒非常想念她的父親,便要求張明德帶她去                                                                 hung up in the shrine read "Earth God (fude zheng shen)".
                             衣給小姐穿,雖然保住了小姐的命,但他自己卻因而犧牲了,在他臨                                                                 2. Once upon a time, an old man and his son relied upon each other. After his son died, the
                             終的時候,天空中出現了「南天門大仙福德正神」。後來主人為了感                                                                 father became very lonely and sad. One day, he got a god’s notice that he would meet his
                             念他的義舉,便為他塑像建廟供奉,並題一幅匾額,上書「福德正神」                                                                son again. Completely convinced, he later encountered a baby snake and regarded the
                             4字。                                                                                            snake as the symbol of his son. He brought the snake home and treated it as his son. Years later,
                                                                                                                            the father released the grown snake back to the mountain, but it started to harm people. The
                          (2)  以前中國某地住著父子2人,相依為命,過著極貧窮的生活。不久兒子死了,留下孤獨的老
                                                                                                                            sad old father had no choice but to kill the snake by his own hand. Later, the local officials
                                                                                                                            esteemed him as the Earth God out of gratitude.
         芒花                  前行,看到了1條蛇,便認為是他的兒子投胎,將其帶回家飼養。後來蛇長大了,老人便把牠
                             放出去自己求生。不料這蛇卻到處害人,老人知道後很傷心,本著大義滅親的精神,把蛇給殺                                                                                                                                     The Legend of the Silver Grass
                                                                                                                            3. It is said that a diligent and caring local official was highly respected and adored by people.
        ‧ 拾穗
                                                                                                                            One day he lost his life on duty. The people built a shrine to worship him as the Earth God in
                          (3)  中國古代有一勤政愛民的地方官,平日喜助窮人,熱心公益,後來卻因公殉職,地方人士為了
                                                                                                                            memory of his benevolence.
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                          (4)  后土的故事:秦始皇時,孟姜女為找尋丈夫萬喜良,哭倒了萬里長城,露出了無數白骨,她無                                                    4. The origin of “God of the Earth”: During the Qin Dynasty, a lady named Meng Jiang stood on
                             法辨認哪個是她丈夫的遺骨,此時出現一白髮老翁,教她咬破手指把血滴在骨頭上,如果仍然                                                      the Great Wall and cried for her husband who was killed building the Great Wall. It is said that
                             是紅色的,便是她丈夫的遺骨。孟姜女依計找到了丈夫的遺骨,乃抱著他回家,這時眼淚滴在                                                      her sorrow was so powerful so that the Wall was torn down to expose a pile of white human
                             白骨上,卻長出皮膚和肌肉來,這時白髮老翁又出現了,他說:「抱著太累了,用麻袋背回家                                                      bones buried underneath. Thanks to the advice of a white haired senior, Meng Jiang identified
                             比較方便。」孟姜女照做,不料遺骨卻因摩擦而又變回白骨。她非常生氣就責怪白髮老翁,要                                                      the remains of her husband. Later she again lost her husband’s remains due to the senior’s further
                             他歸還亡夫的遺體。白髮老人無奈,只好埋葬他的遺骨,並答應負責看守墳墓。這就是後來留                                                      advice. Meng Jiang blamed the white-haired old man, asking him to return her husband's body. So
         ─  草嶺古道尋幽行
                             置於墓旁「后土」的由來。                                                                                   the white-haired man promised to guard her husband’s tomb, which ended up in the folk belief that
                                                                                                                            the God of the Earth guards tombs.
                          (5)  土地公和土地婆的故事:據傳說,土地婆很自私,是個心腸很壞的人,所以人們都不願親近
                                                                                                                            5. The story of the Earth God and Goddess: According to legend, the Earth Goddess was very
          十年精彩全紀錄                                                                                                                                                                                          Memories Beyond the Mountains and the Sea: Past, Present, and the Future of the Caoling Historical Trails
                                                                                                                            selfish while the Earth God was very merciful. Whenever he saw people needing help, he would
                                                                                                                            do all he could to help. Moreover, when he saw people’s sorrow due to the death of their loved
                                                                                                                            ones, he would try to bring the dead back to life. But the Earth Goddess had different opinions.
                                                                                                                            She thought that what the Earth God did was
                                                                                                                            against natural law. Later the Earth God
                                                                                                                            accepted her opinion and that’s why people
                                                                                                                            always worshipped the Earth God rather than
                                                                                                                            the Earth Goddess. So far, only a few shrines in
                                                                                                                            Tainan and Sanxia, and the shrine here in Caoling,
                                                                                                                            worship both the Earth God and the Earth
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